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The Salvation Army Lawrence M. Daley Camp and Conference Center has been serving campers from under-served areas of Los Angeles since 1939. We have 3 distinct programs at our Malibu location - Camp Daley, Camp Gilmore, and Wilderness. You can learn more about each below!

Changing lives since 1939
Camp Daley provides a five night residential camping experience for children ages 8-12 (certain camps will have different ages). While at camp youth will have the opportunity to enjoy a fun and safe environment where they can learn independence, team work and build new friendships. In addition they will enjoy evening campfires, inspiring chapel services, swimming, organized recreational activities, arts and crafts, and more. All of this while enjoying God's creation and learning about His presence in their lives! Each week long camping session will follow a different theme including Jr. and Sr. Music Camps, SAY Camp and a Musical Theater Camp.

Camp Daley
Camp Daley
Camp Daley provides a five night residential camping experience for children ages 8-12 (certain camps will have different ages). While at camp youth will have the opportunity to enjoy a fun and safe environment where they can learn independence, team work and build new friendships. In addition they will enjoy evening campfires, inspiring chapel services, swimming, organized recreational activities, arts and crafts, and more. All of this while enjoying God's creation and learning about His presence in their lives! Each week long camping session will follow a different theme including Jr. and Sr. Music Camps, SAY Camp and a Musical Theater Camp.

Camp Daley
Camp Daley provides a five night residential camping experience for children ages 8-12 (certain camps will have different ages). While at camp youth will have the opportunity to enjoy a fun and safe environment where they can learn independence, team work and build new friendships. In addition they will enjoy evening campfires, inspiring chapel services, swimming, organized recreational activities, arts and crafts, and more. All of this while enjoying God's creation and learning about His presence in their lives! Each week long camping session will follow a different theme including Jr. and Sr. Music Camps, SAY Camp and a Musical Theater Camp.

Camp Daley
Camp Daley provides a five night residential camping experience for children ages 8-12 (certain camps will have different ages). While at camp youth will have the opportunity to enjoy a fun and safe environment where they can learn independence, team work and build new friendships. In addition they will enjoy evening campfires, inspiring chapel services, swimming, organized recreational activities, arts and crafts, and more. All of this while enjoying God's creation and learning about His presence in their lives! Each week long camping session will follow a different theme including Jr. and Sr. Music Camps, SAY Camp and a Musical Theater Camp.

The children who attend Camp Gilmore are from Corps, Youth Centers, Service extension units, public and private agencies and schools. Gilmore offers seven different sessions of a five night camping experience in the wonderful outdoors. The program focuses on recreational and educational opportunities for kids, in a wholesome Christian atmosphere. Kids will learn to appreciate nature in a supervised, safe, outdoor setting while enjoying traditional camping activities like hiking, swimming, crafts, archery, team building, and more.
Wilderness Camp is for any teen 13-17 years old who wants to experience an exciting outdoor camping week that involves hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, and sleeping in tents. During this excited five-night program, camp will also focus on spiritual growth, developing teamwork skills, and appreciation of the outdoor environment. Due to the high energy level of this camp program, we encourage parents to discuss with their teens the potential physically strenuous activities that will take place. Camp Staff will constantly watch for any medical or heath concerns and will not require any camper to do something that would be harmful for them.

View this in-depth experience of camp with CNBC's Jane Wells.
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